Our Companies
   Gulf company for furniture considered specialized company in office furniture which mean that its services stars at the end of  construction and finishing works , therefore the company decided to participate in customer services through provision of pre- furniture stage services which mean building and finishing works , which caused in establishment of this company which  executed impressive success in customer services of Gulf furniture company

Alwali company for technology considered one of the associate companies which has been founded to serve  Gulf furniture company customers and others in local market , through provision of  electrical transformation products or smart electricity control panels, video and audio systems, technical learning specialized applications, signage board, digital signage boards, big screens , lightening and wireless audio  systems of conference halls, podiums, projectors and screen of conference halls , smart false floor , through contracting with the best international companies and ensure delivery the products in highest possible quality.

Royan industrial company which is specialized in artificial marble founded in 2007 as one of the companies acquired by Gulf  furniture company, in order to diversify the work and activities of the company , so Gulf furniture company invested in Vision company by manpower and development of production lines and others, today Gulf furniture company invested in buildings related   to  Royan factory and request of new production lines which is expected to arrive at the end of 2014 to raise performance and production level, Royan factory considered the ideal gate for expansion  in the field of kitchens and laboratories surfaces, which has been included in expansion plan to enter in field of kitchens production through opening showrooms all over the kingdom of Saudi   Arabia , by opening branch in each area starting of Riyadh area, Dammam, Jeddah.